In 2016 Happiness Brussels won the Belgian Quick account. To help us win the digital and social budgets, I wrote posts, invented formats and conducted experiments with emerging technologies. Here are some of my favourite executions:

When Quick was bought by Burger King, fans feared this meant Quick would disappear. So I took a cheap 360° cam, visited the first Quick that would become a BK and made a VR video. Through the magic of cardboard VR technology, you could now enjoy the old Quick inside the new BK!

(Project cancelled when the client pulled the brief.)

To translate the tagline 'your Quick, your taste' into a weekly social post, I wrote an elaborate parody of those annoying Cambridge Analytics personality quizzes with jokes coming directly from the brand and its products …


Sure, our chatbot-interface became a website, my key visual became 4 pack shots and all the copy was watered down. But damn it, I got my so I was happy!